
We thank you for your choice, in giving you a cordial welcome, please read carefully the rules and behavioral rules that each guest must take in order not to disturb or damage others and the environment.
Failure to comply with one or more points of this regulation and the rules contained therein may lead to termination of the contract with the related economic and legal consequences arising.
a) The Regulation of the “Hotel Cilene” accommodation facility of Ricci Massimiliano is established to guarantee everyone a uniform, orderly, peaceful and peaceful use of the same. It has a contractual nature between "Hotel Cilene" and the Guest and, therefore, the request to stay at the Hotel and the acceptance of this request by "Hotel Cilene" implies the total acceptance of these Regulations.
b) All guests are required to comply with the Internal Regulations of the Accommodation facility, available at the hotel reception and published on the website
c) Failure to comply with the Regulations and the other provisions of the Management may lead to the removal from the Structure of the offender and the relative reporting of the fact to all national and international tourist organizations, except for reporting also to Public Authorities in the event that the non-compliance may possibly suggest the commission of a crime.
d) All the specific indications reported in the signs placed in the property area and / or pertaining to the Hotel must also be respected
e) Parents (or whoever legally exercises their authority) are jointly and severally responsible for the acts performed by their minor children within the Hotel and are required to supervise them and ensure that they maintain a polite and respectful behavior towards others, under the own direct responsibility and, in particular, as regards the obligation to respect silence, the correct use of the bathrooms, which cannot be considered places of play or meeting, and of the equipment provided by the Structure to its Guests. Any activity that may disturb other guests is prohibited. All the rules of this contract regulation must be complied with in general.
f) The conduct held by both older people and minors is deemed to be contractually relevant and, therefore, any violation of the rules of this regulation and the common rules of civil coexistence and good progress of the hotel will, according to the judgment assigned contractually inappellable to the Direction, the immediate resolution of the contract and the removal from the hotel. In this case the Hotel Management is entitled to withhold the sums already paid and to demand the residual sums, also by way of compensation for damage, except for the right to compensation for the greater damage found.
g) The Personnel appointed by the Management is required to enforce the Regulation against anyone. Each customer in the very act of accepting hospitality in the hotel also contractually agrees to submit to the authority of said staff, who is in turn obliged in turn to always respect the laws of the Italian Republic and the principles commonly accepted by our culture of courtesy and good education. According to the hotel policy, all guests enjoy the right to respectful and dignified treatment and, as responsible reception facilities, we have an obligation to protect guests from inappropriate behavior. If a guest's actions are deemed inappropriate by a member of staff, or if inappropriate behavior is reported, the hotel reserves the right to take action against the guest, after verifying this situation. Depending on the seriousness of the guests' actions, the hotel may, at its discretion, request the intervention of the police or remove guests from the structure.
h) The Management reserves the right to modify the present Regulations at any time, which will be available at the reception of the Hotel and published on the website
a) Upon arrival, an identification document will be requested from customers for the purpose of communicating their presence to the competent police bodies.
b) According to the art. 13 of the Legislative Decree 06.30.2003 n. 196, all the personal data of our Customers will be processed both by computer systems and manually, in order to carry out tax and legal obligations (to draw up invoices, record data, etc.) and to provide the requested service, as well as to keep our guests informed of future of promotions and offers.
a) For information, you can contact the reception and the Hotel Management by phone, e-mail or in person.
b) Reservations can be made by sending a written request to the email address, on the website or by telephone.
c) The booking request must indicate the number and type of rooms requested, name, surname, date of arrival, date of departure, number of adults and children, age of the children (to be able to propose estimates tailored to the different needs) , telephone number, e-mail for communications. Please also indicate the estimated time of your arrival.
d) To confirm the booking, unless otherwise stated, the credit card number of the booking party is requested as a guarantee of reservation and will be verified by the Hotel with a pre-authorization of an amount equivalent to the total amount of the entire stay.
e) The reservation is considered valid also with a previously agreed deposit (bank transfer or cash), provided that the period and duration of the accommodation, the address and telephone number of the sender, the arrangement (type of pension ) and accommodation (single, double, triple or family room).
f) The price of the stay includes the Morning Cleaning (at scheduled times) and breakfast. Does NOT include: any extra cleaning, drinks, drinks at the bar and mini-bar, restaurant drinks not included in the offer, rentals and use of equipment unless explicitly indicated in the offer, damage to people or things and anything not expressly indicated in the offer.
a) For cancellations or changes to the reservation within seven days prior to arrival at the hotel or in the event of a no-show the hotel reserves the right to charge the entire amount of the booked stay.
b) It is not normally foreseen the reimbursement for impossibility to occupy the lodgings during the booked period due to difficulties with the means of transport, errors, other personal reasons or even modifications such as early departures or delays on arrival. The booked period will be charged in full pursuant to art. 1385 -1386 cc.
a) The balance of the stay is due upon arrival at check-in, any guarantee given by credit card does not exempt the customer from payment. The pre-authorization required will remain valid and guarantee for the entire duration of the stay and will be canceled after departure following verification of the room, the regularity of the stay, as well as the balance of the extras and the main conditions of the regulation, with possible debit in case of damage, theft, extras not paid during check-out and / or early departure.
b) The pre-authorization will be automatically released after 30 days, as per banking regulations, in case you want to release the sum in advance, you must request the procedure at the hotel via e-mail unless the point 5 paragraph a.
c) PREVIOUS and VERIFICATION: before the account balance it is possible to request a view of the account and of the debits for verification. Any errors or failures must be reported before the account is issued.
d) ELECTRONIC INVOICE: if you need an invoice, please report it promptly by providing us with the data of the heading, address, tax code / VAT number, recipient code / PEC. Otherwise we will issue a simple receipt and the subsequent cancellation will not be possible.
e) BALANCE OF THE ROOM: The balance of the room must be paid upon arrival. It is possible to pay in cash for a maximum amount of 999.00 Euro (unless changes to the laws relating to payment in cash) or even by credit and debit card. Attention, Travel Checks and Personal or Circular Checks are not accepted.
f) EXTRA CONSUMPTION: At check-out, drinks must be communicated at the bar, minibar and other extras not yet reported by the hotel staff.
g) NON-DECLARED GUESTS: Any persons staying in the same room, but not declared at the time of booking or upon arrival, will be charged to the booking holder with a 50% premium rate on the daily price with the faculty of the management and of the property to report to the PS authorities all unauthorized persons, found within the hotel.
h) KEY LOSS OF CHARGE: The break of the key, will be counted with a minimum amount of € 10.00 for the duplicate. The loss of the keys and / or key rings of the suites will be counted with a minimum amount of € 30.00.
i) DAMAGE DEBIT: Guests respond and are required to compensate damages caused by them or caused by people or animals under their responsibility. In case of missing linen, we will be forced to charge it to the account ..
6) ARRIVAL (Check In)
a) ROOM DELIVERY: rooms will NOT be delivered before 2:00 pm (GMT + 1) and will be guaranteed until 8:00 pm (GMT + 1), unless otherwise agreed. Agree, at the time of booking, the estimated arrival time. The keys will be delivered upon arrival after having carried out the registration data of P.S. and account balance. If the room is ready before the check-in time it will be assigned immediately, otherwise it will be possible to leave the luggage with us.
b) IDENTITY DOCUMENTS: Guests on arrival must be strictly provided with identification documents, including minors. otherwise the operator must refuse hospitality (art.109 of the P.S. laws as amended by article 7 point 2 of the Law no. 203/95). The manager will also present, to each incoming customer, a declaration form of the general information that he must fill out and sign (Law P.S. as amended: from article 7 n.4 of the L.203 / 95).
c) MINOR ACCEPTANCE: Minimum age to rent a room: 18 years. Minors unaccompanied by persons of legal age will be accepted only if they are in possession of a release signed by their parents (or by those who legally exercise parental authority), with their telephone number for availability and a copy of their document.
d) CUSTOMER GUEST REPORTING: eventual guests of clients staying in the structure, even if temporary, must be agreed and reported to the reception and present themselves with an identity document. The presence inside the structure must be authorized by the management.
e) PEOPLE OCCURRING THE ROOM: Each apartment can only be occupied by the number of persons indicated for that specific housing unit unless requested by the client to add another bed, also on the proposal of the reception staff. ALL occupant names must be provided at the reception.
f) DATA PROCESSING: The data of the ns. Guests are treated in accordance with current privacy legislation.
g) ROOM ASSIGNMENT: The choice and designation of the place, in the type and category booked, is at the total discretion of the Hotel Management, unless otherwise explicit written agreements.
h) RECEPTION POINT: The reception point at the arrival is at the reception of the structure.
i) CHECKING THE ROOM: We ask you to report any damage or malfunctions and malfunctions that you may encounter when lodging in your room. Any damage found subsequently will be charged to you.
7) DEPARTURE (check-out)
a) RETURN OF ROOMS: the return of the rooms MUST take place by 10:30 am (GMT + 1), unless otherwise agreed. Agree, at the time of booking, the expected departure time. Unauthorized extensions beyond this time will be considered as an extension of the stay and charged. the keys of the same must be delivered to the Reception to the personnel in charge that provides to the control of how much in use (in order to avoid discussions it is invited to give communication of eventual breakages, etc.).
b) PENALTY FOR DELAYED DEPARTURE TIME: After 11:00 (useful time for room reorganization), the total cost of the room will be charged to the customer for a whole day.
c) DEPARTURE DEPARTURE: In case of early departure with respect to the booking period, the client must pay in full the sum agreed upon booking. If, on the day of your departure (check out), you expect to leave before 7.00 am, we kindly ask you to notify us the day before.
d) BALANCE OF THE ACCOUNT: The account must possibly be requested and, in case of departure before the opening time of the reception, paid the day before departure.
e) RETURN OF OBJECTS: Remember at the start to verify that you are handing over the keys and any cards or other equipment provided by the hotel (electrical adapters, battery chargers, etc.)
f) LUGGAGE DEPOSIT: On the day of departure it is possible to leave the baggage in custody with us until 6:00 pm (6.00pm).
a) CLEANING AND AVAILABILITY OF THE ROOM: The customer has the right to have the room starting at 14:00 on the agreed day (day of arrival). During the period of stay the room will be available to guests except for 30 minutes over a period of time from 09:00 to 14:00 to allow daily cleaning. If the customer does not wish the room to be rebuilt at the time indicated, he will in fact lose the right to make a daily makeover.
b) ACCESS of personnel in OCCUPIED ROOMS: If, in addition to the normal access for cleaning, for reasons of maintenance or other reasons it was necessary for the hotel staff to access a room occupied, or in the event of significant changes in the timetable of cleanings and services, the hotel undertakes to inform guests of any need for entry by staff in an occupied room.
c) The garbage must be collected in the special collection bags located in the rooms and bathrooms of the rooms. It is not allowed to leave rubbish or other in common areas
d) LINEN CHANGE: Linen is changed every 3 days. For standard reservations, if expressly requested by the client, it can also be daily, but will be considered as a supplement.
to. Any damage caused to furniture, furnishings or equipment will be adequately assessed with the owners of the business for reimbursement.
b. Please do not slam the doors but accompany them, if you return to your room late please close the door of your room gently so as not to disturb those already sleeping.
c. Inside the bedroom or bathroom you will find everything you need: blankets, pillows, towels, personal hygiene products, etc. It is forbidden to bring outside anything that is in the rooms, in the bathrooms or in any case inside the hotel premises.
d. Please notify and deliver the lost or found items upon receipt
is. Please also close the door every time you leave the room and check that the windows are well closed, in order to avoid any subtraction of values from the rooms
f. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE IN ANY WAY OF OBJECTS OF YOUR PROPERTY LEFT UNATTENDED IN THE ROOMS therefore please do not leave valuables unattended inside. A safe is installed in the room, where you can leave small objects or money in custody, you can ask the key to the management.
to. To smoke,
b. Make use of drugs,
c. It is mandatory to respect the vegetation, the soil, the hygiene and the cleanliness of all the spaces,
d. It is not allowed to enter areas reserved for Hotel staff,
is. It is not allowed to throw papers or rubbish out of the appropriate baskets,
f. It is not allowed to enter with weapons, knives, sticks or instruments considered blunt,
g. Speak out loud, shout,
h. From 22:00 in all rooms the acoustic volume should be moderated. Please keep silent even in the corridors, stairs and common areas.
g) Our structure does not provide for night porters and closes at 11pm (11pm), although a night-time telephone service is provided for emergencies, please return before this time, or ask for direction.
h) f. For the reason described above, we ask you to always leave the room key in the special bulletin board to let us know if the guests are inside or outside the structure, in order to prevent someone from staying out after closing.
a) The hotel accepts small and medium-sized pets upon request and confirmation at the hotel. For hygienic reasons and for any allergies from other customers, pets are allowed only in certain rooms and only in some areas. The management reserves the right to accept the animal at its own discretion, and in any case, if it does not conform to what the guest has declared.
b) The cost of the pet's stay is free but an amount of 25 euros may be charged at the end of the stay due to the need for a more thorough cleaning of the room and with adequate detergents and sanitizing compared to normality.
c) The presence of the animal must be communicated to the reservation.
d) The animals must always remain on a leash both inside the Hotel and in the external areas of relevance.
e) The customer must be adequately equipped for the welfare of his pet. Any use of the bed and bath linen for the animal (grooming, bedding or other) is prohibited.
f) It is absolutely forbidden to raise the animal on the beds, armchairs, chairs, tables etc.
g) It is absolutely forbidden to leave the animals alone in the rooms during the whole stay (day and night).
h) It is mandatory to comply with the vaccinations required by national and regional laws and with mandatory marking (chip tattoo tag)
i) The behavior of the animal must be managed by the owner so as not to disturb the other guests. An animal that disturbs any customer or other person in the hotel will, on request, be calmed or dismissed. Pet owners accept full responsibility for damage that may result from the animals. All the operations necessary to restore environmental hygiene in the rooms occupied by the animal are the sole responsibility of the customer. If there are traces (hair, droppings or other) on the beds or linen, the value of the contaminated item will be charged to the customer.
j) The management reserves the right to withdraw the Stay contract at any time and without notice to those who do not comply with the indications above.
10) WI FI:
a) All areas and rooms of the Hotel Italia are covered by a Wi Fi service whose code, upon issuing personal information and declaring the release of privacy, will be provided at the reception.
a) Respect the times shown to use the services
b) On arrival, rooms will be delivered from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
c) At departure, the rooms must be returned at 10:30 am
d) Please communicate in advance any time requirements other than those indicated here
e) SERVICES: Please follow the times shown. The structure is not obliged to provide services outside these hours nor to reimburse services not used for negligence or delay by the customer, including breakfast, lunch and dinner meals.
f) SERVICE HOURS in the HOTEL: unless otherwise stated on the notices at the entrance to the restaurant area and at the reception:
• Breakfast: 08.00 - 10.00
• Lunch: 13:00 v. Dinner: 20.00
• Reception reception: 08.00 - 23.00 (to communicate with the reception, dial 9 from the room telephone
b) The hotel current is alternating current at 220 volts, check that your appliances are suitable for this type of current
c) The electrical sockets are of the Italian type. Use adapters if your appliances are fitted with plugs with a different system
d) The hotelier does not assume responsibility for any damage to the equipment due to force majeure (sudden blackouts, power surges, etc.)
b) It is NOT allowed to smoke, burn, light candles in the rooms, in the corridors and in other rooms unless expressly authorized.
c) It is mandatory to inform yourself and read the fire regulations, the equipment of the behaviors to be kept in case of fire.
d) It is absolutely forbidden to light any stove inside the rooms.
e) It is forbidden in all the structure, including rooms, the use of open flame equipment whatever the fuel used (burners, heaters, lamps, etc.);
a) For reasons of hygiene and safety it is NOT allowed to prepare meals in the rooms.
b) Breakfast is taken in the breakfast room.
c) Hotel guests are not permitted to bring food and drinks for breakfast to places other than the special rooms used for the service (in the room or outside the hotel).
a) The Hotel Management is not responsible for the loss of objects and / or values of the guests (each Guest is required to take care of the objects he owns), damages resulting from events of force majeure and the nature of the thing ( atmospheric events, natural disasters, epidemics, diseases, fall of trees or branches or products that fall within the nature of the plants, gusts of wind, damage or theft of cars in the parking area and in the area of the structure). For no reason, at the time of departure, discounts will be given to cover any or alleged disruptions that may occur following the events described above.
The direction